Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gettin' Creative wit my bad self

So I have been told that you never really give up addiction. You just replace it with another. Since I started my weight loss journey, I have given up my addiction to food... and replaced it with making art, crafting, and sewing. I have stocked my store, and I am just waiting on my first purchase.

I have been going crafting crazy! I bet my mom thinks I have jumped off the deep end. I am doing about 13 different crafts at one time right now... crocheting, fuzed plastic, hair flowers, beaded socks, jewelry, painting, recycled paper journals, shrinky-dinks, reusable bags... and there are more.. haha! Alright.. so lets start with the pics.. I don't have pictures of everything I have done in the last couple days.. but here are a few.. enjoy!


So the above image is one of those towels you can hang on the handle of the stove, fridge, ect. I tried to monogram an 'R' on the towel, and it didn't turn out too great. Maybe if I double up the stitch and make it wider, or outline it. It was my first one.. it can only get better from here.


The 3 pictures are my art. I am a big fan of abstract art, and bright colors. I used neon acrylic paint, some gold paint in the middle one, and some white just for fun. I love these. I plan to paint my recycled paper journals in this style. I think they will look great. I am excited to get the recycled paper started! That will be a process, I have to make the pulp... then mix it with water and let that mixture sit for 2-3 days. Stay tuned to see how my project turns out!

OOOH.. and I bought some buckram. Buckram is a very stiff fabric that hardens when water is added. What do I plan to do with it?? Stay tuned... ooooh... cliff hanger

Reidhead OUT

1 comment:

  1. *Julz firmly Grips Desk in Suspense* can't wait to see how all of your things turn out. you should also post the date, time and location of your craft day. hope to make it. L8er Sexy Sk8er.
