My first blog!
Where to start... i'm Erin. Mommy to 3 kids, wife to a wonderful husband. Notice how I put mommy first? Makes me think... don't know what about really.
My husband is currently deployed to Afghanistan, and will be coming home in January... or as my son puts it "after sandy comes". Its really hard to do everything that is required in taking care of 3 kids.. one of them being a 2 month old. Some days I get SO stressed. I wish I could just get over the stress and enjoy my kids. It seems that if its not one thing, its another. One kid crying, one kid hungry, and so on.
Well enough of that. Its 10:30 and I should be sleeping. 10:30.. psshh.. I remember when the party didn't start until 10. Oh how times have changed. No more late nights and dance clubs. Now its early mornings and Yo Gabba Gabba (which is a really weird show btw... "don't bite your friends"). That show is like crack to my kids. When it comes on, they come from wherever they are to watch it, and they actually sit for all 20 minutes of it! Jack Black was their 'dancey dance friend of the day' the other day. HILARIOUS!
What else.. oh yeah, Lorali is allergic to milk.. or sensitive to milk. So that means I can't have ANY dairy products, which TOTALLY blows. I bought some rice cheese the other day. It said "gourmet melt"... YAAAA...NO... more like the magical no-melt cheese that holds it shape up to 400 degrees! It looks like cheese... but tastes like what it is.. rice in a costume.
I miss my husband. I can't wait until he is home again and we are a complete family. Well, thats it world.. im off to bed... Reidhead out